Sunday, February 18, 2007

Some Poor Kid Is Wearing My Starbucks

I was playing in the band this weekend at church, and before the 11:15 service, we decided to take the Shuttle Bus down to starbucks. after we got our starbucks, We were running really late (it was like 11:05 and we were still at starbucks) so we begged the bus driver to please let us on the bus, we would stand. so i was holding on the the pole, and this little kid in expensive abercrombie clothes was sitting next to me. i tried to adjust my hands and switch my starbucks to the other hand, but i moved too quickly and my starbucks hit the pole and went flying everywhere, my shoes, e-moneys pants, but worst of all, all over this poor little kid.

and then trying to make it better, this woman holding an infant handed me a diaper and said, "here use this, it will absorb the starbucks!"

the whole band was laughing at me and i was very very embarassed

i felt really bad because we got off the bus and left the starbucks all over the floor.

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