Friday, March 9, 2007

Thank God It's Friday!

Today is Friday! yay! well today was an awesome day... let me fill you in on it.

8:10-3:30: school.. which was suprisingly fun... especially because i didn't have to run the mile and my friends and i alsways have fun in history making jokes about the sub or playing truth or dare.

4-5:15: C.O.W. team/greeting team meeting... it was super fun.. we had to practice connecting others in wildside and i definatley think i need some help.

5:30-6:00- Chick-fil-a (however you speel it, it is still delicous) for dinner! yum! i love the sweet tea!

6:20-8:20- help my dad move his office. (which is kinda odd because he is only moving odwn the hall so why move when he has such a cool office?)

8:30- go to pick up little bro at airport... he went to sacremento w/ his school and he got to meet the govenator!!! when i went i was supposed to meet him but arnold was supposedly in a "meeting" yea right.

well i have a fun weekend ahead of me so i shall blog about that soon!

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