Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Promise

The Promise was soooo amazing! I had so much fun! You can read about it here or here. (the second one is the actual Promise blog.) Or even here or maybe even here!

Well, I am just going to tell you some of the highlights of the event! (it would take to long for me to blog about this amazing experience, and then no one would read to the end!)

Day 1:
-Cell Phone Shootout!!! Soo fun!!!
-Seeing Alice cry about the Jc Penny commercial!!! (sorry Alice)
-Josh wearing the super tight pink t-shirt
-Chad Easthams jokes!
-Chad Easthams entire talk was great!
-Barlow Girl!

Day 2:
-Me and Christine running across the whole campus at 8 AM to get front row seats (which, we did! YESSSS!)
-Seeing Alice cry AGAIN. :)
-Megan's talk
-Megan singing
-Christy singing!!!
-Me and Christine eating like, 20 donuts!
-Friendship talk! It was great, and really helped me!
-Fashion Show!!! Heather, Jennifer, Christy, Mel, you guys all did great!

I have a few fashion show stories....

During the Mother-Daughter Scene, Heather began walking, but her mom was no where to be seen....

So while Heather is about 3/4 of the way to her final destination (downstage, center) her mom comes running out, all laughing and happy. Then, every girl had to either dance with her mother, give her a hug, something like that. What I thought was so cute was how Heather and her mom did the handshake the two sisters did in The Parent Trap!!! It was like, the best thing ever!

Then, (the next story is also about Heather) they where doing the "finale" (whatever you call it) Heather was supposed to meet her mom, but some other lady was walking up. I thought it would have been funny if Heather had to pretend like it was her mom. Heather looked a tad confused. (i couldn't really tell for sure, ask Heather) But luckily, Heathers mom came to the rescue, just in time!!



Heather Leith said...

wow...that was kind of a disaster. but so much fun!

Mel East said...

lol it was sooo awsome i lvoe you guys! i lvoed the promise it was all amazing!!!

Christine.Marie said...

i had an AMAZING time with you Elise. Those front row seats were worth it and those donuts were absolutley delicious!!

Unknown said...

That pink shirt gives me nightmares.