Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I finally finished! It was SO good, the best one yet. I loved all 753 pages of it. :)

I'm feeling mixed emotions though because it was such a good book, but now the whole series is OVER! I finshed it at about 4 PM yesterday and hung out with Kayla as she read the last 3 chapters. We practically cried after it was all done because we are so sad it's over.

Anyways, I cannot even explain how good it was. It was...amazing!

*If you're reading this book, watch out for chapters 33, 34, and 36. My favorite chapters!*


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to catch up! (currently only on the second one!)

Unknown said...

harry dies right?

elise! said...

well yes but at the same time no... you'd have to read it to understand. and i am not going to spoil it for those still reading.

kayla rae said...

I think I am in a state of depression after finishing this book. It's over, all done. =[

Anonymous said...

i think theres going to be another harry potter book

Jaclyn Parker said...

im on page 112 and i love it so far

elise! said...

Anonymous, Jo is writing more books, but she is done with Harry Potter. She said so in an interview. She is definatley writing more books, but she says they may or may not be about the wizarding world. Apparently, she is waiting for and idea to come to her...

Anonymous said...

They made to much money for them to just stop. shes making another one. i know it..............