Monday, September 3, 2007


I finally finished. It was amazing. So scary, so suspensful, so great....
I cried so hard towards the end.
Do not be decieved by the strange description on the back of the book... It's not as weird as she makes it sound.
Today I start on New Moon.
If someone has finished that one yet, please tell if it's sad or not!
Because if it is, I might not read it...


elise! said...

I don't know why it's single spaced...three times I went back to double space it, and when I hit publish, it looks like that.

Mel East said...

hah congrats your a fast reader

jennifer said...

i hate reading!hahahah im glad you liked it!

Anonymous said...

New Moon is sad. They all are. Kind of. But then they get happy. Embarrassingly enough, I fell in love with a character. You probably know who. =] Glad you liked Twilight!