Monday, November 19, 2007

Finally... trash-can story is here...

It all started when my Great Aunt sent me 100 bucks for my birthday. Even though I am usually super responsible...I lost it...

As punishment, my parents decided I would have to dig through the trash for it. (You may be thinking, what cruel parents, making their daughter dig through infested trash...They have good reason)

The good reason is, this same Aunt had already sent me 50 bucks...which I also lost...Thus my parents were kind of fed up with me.

So, I suited up in a jumbo trash bag, rubber gloves, and my goggles. I really wasn't planning on actually jumping in the can... But I did.

I tried to no avail digging through from above...I soon learned this was not an effective system, and I jumped in. Now here is the really disgusting part... I tried to hold the lid open, but as soon as I began searching it closed on my head. I was trapped inside a 4 foot wide the dark...where it smelled like crap...surrounded by week old trash. Eww. I hate reminiscing upon this story...

And I never even found the money. =[


Jaclyn Parker said...

oh gosh that sucks. im so sorry

Cristina said...

oh my gosh. thats terrible =[

Anonymous said...

I totally pictured you and started laughing! But I'm so sorry you never found the money; I know you'll find it!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

eww gross. i am sorry.

kelsey said...

ewww. sorry you didn't find the money

again my blog URL is:

Anonymous said...

did you find a cherub?