Friday, February 1, 2008

I re-discovered this today...

The picture is fading, almost completely gone, so I decided to blog about it before it completely goes away.

It's a picture of me, in a hospital bed, with a big poster above my head. On this poster, there are is a letter of sorts with candy stuck to it. This was given to me while I was in second grade. 

The "letter" said (with the candy bars in all caps):

"Dear Elise,
We heard you had a WHOPPER of an operation! Rumor has it that a BIG HUNK doctor fixed you up. We are glad he wasn't some AIR HEAD from 5TH AVENUE. We've offered 100 GRAND if they can fix your WHATCHAMACALLIT and if your recovery isn't a ROCKY ROAD. We've searched the entire MILKY WAY with our pals MIKE AND IKE, LOOKing for a way to tell you how much we love you and are praying for you. We hope you are able to MAMBA again soon so your parents can take you on a shopping SPREE at the toy store and mall! Get well soon!!! Lots f love from the NEDRy Ashby Family especially Katelyn ((: PS: You may not SNIKER when you read this!"

Pretty cute how they tied it all in together, huh?


kayla rae said...

I love the Ashby family!!

Cole said...

you spelled nerd wrong

Anonymous said...

omg i totally remember that!! i was just thinking about that last night.
