Sunday, May 4, 2008

I'm a Roller Coaster Person, But...

I absolutely cannot stand Big Thunder Mountain.
Why? Well, for one thing it's practically ancient.
I hate hearing the breaks creaking, like they are struggling and possibly failing to slow to a stop so the passengers don't hit something and die.
I hate the bumpiness and not being able to stay in my seat. 
I hate how you share the lap bar with the person next to you, so if you are smaller, you run the risk of getting seriously injured. 
I hate the old track and the rusted rails that look like they could just crack or cause the train to fly off the track at any given moment.
I hate** the low clearances and wondering if Shaq's head would get blown off if he rode this ride. 
How this ride passes safety and inspection tests, I don't know.
I will definitely be sticking to smoother rides such as Space Mountain, California Screaming, Silver Bullet, even the Matterhorn, and others. 

**By now, you are probably wondering why I used the word "hate" so much. Well, it is because I hate the ride, if you hadn't gotten that yet.


Elyse said...

That is my FAVE ride!! But it is funny you would mention the thing about Shaq, because I always wonder the same thing, and I never keep my hands up for fear of losing one.

bryce said...

i agree with you elise. but i just dislike it, not hate it :)

Anonymous said...

i have been afraid to go on that ride for soooo long cuz of all of the ppl who died or were injured on it! :0