Monday, November 17, 2008

Dear Santa Claus,

For Christmas, I would really love a new iPod.
After losing mine, I thought I could survive with my mom's ancient shuffle. But really, that thing sucks. I know I have at least 75 songs (because that's all the stupid 500 MB thing can hold) but for some reason, it only likes about five of those songs. The name "shuffle" is quite deceitful because it has no ability whatsoever to shuffle through all of my music. I swear, if I hear Your Hand in Mine, Expo '86, To Be Happy Now, Love Affair, or Very Loud one more time I am going to spray that thing with a squirt gun and then smash it under my daddy's car.
Anyways, back to Christmas, I would like the bright orange new iPod nano.

Please & thank you.
Elise Bergerson

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