Monday, May 28, 2007



ok... there are so many fabulous memories I have. I am not ready to be home even though I smell repulsive... On day one... we put in dry wall/installation and Peirce became BBF's with Kayla. (Peirce is soooo funny... you should introduce yourself to him sometime at church!)

Sunday we went to a great church service, ate lunch, and then painted for, like, 4 hours! (it was at this time when Ryan dumped paint on Peirce's head... he freaked out! by the way, Jordan, you need to get me the pics so I can post them!)

Then, that night at the campfire I had the honor of being a "superstar" for doing a good job painting. I got a super cool crown but I left in Mexico.....

Today, we hung out with the orphans. They are the coolest kids in the world. The one I was playing with was convinced Teddy was her dad, and it was so cute! She kept pointing at him and calling him Padre! I miss her sooooo much already... hopefully I'll go again so I can see her!

Then, we began out journey home. Everything was wonderful until the roads leading to the border got blocked off. Bethany's car (my driver), Rachel, and my dad's we all left behind. We circled the same area for like, 2 and a half hours until finding a way to get to the border.

In the drive home, Hayley and I rocked out to Pop by N*SYNC, Sweetness by Jim Eat World, and MMMbop by some little boy that sounds like a girl.... You should have seen us... it was sooooo darn funny! (i didn't have a fake microphone, so I used my shoe. I also atempted to beatbox. I was not succesful)

The second night, Christine and I didn't feel like sharing a bed (i think we were one bed short) so me, her, Jordan, Krista, and Nikki slept in a 15 passenger van. We each got out own row, and I slept like a baby. The one thing I remember from that night was waking up to a horse dancing in it's sleep outside my car window, and the goats going MAAAAAAAAAAAT!

I am soooo sad the trip is over.... I want to go back to Mexico RIGHT NOW! It was soo amazing to see the people and how grateful they were for the tiniest things, and it shows me how much I take for granted. I loved the joy that the orphans had. Despite their situtations, they were so happy and just wanted to have fun non-stop.

Well, that's all for now because I have to go shower. (i wreak REALLY BAD) Hopefully I have pics soon!


jessie estupinan said...

I'm so glad that your life was changed. Did you get anything sweet from the border?

i got a blanket last year (:

Anonymous said...

It was a sweet trip

Anonymous said...

it was too much money! i was sad. ryan, how did you get to my blog?

<3 elise

Kylie said...

That's soooo cool! You need to tell me all about your trip! I will be calling soon...

Allison said...

Glad you had fun...I'm sorry I missed it!

kayla rae said...

I had so much fun and I can't wait to go again next time! Too bad Pierce won't be there...