Friday, May 25, 2007


Yesterday, I went to Baskin Robins to celebrate some good news...

I got a single scoop of Oreo Cookies n' cream ice cream. I also got kissable toppings on the side.

The grand total for this small treat: 7 DOLLARS. I was really shocked at how expensive things are. It makes it hard to enjoy the ice cream because every bite is practically worth a quarter...

Now, here is the reason we were celebrating:

I made the yearbook staff next year! I am soooo excited because it like the one elective i really wanted to get into! The teacher always said things like, "We take the top students of Las Flores" or "This class is for really high acheiveing students." I am very honored to be a part of this class!!!

Well... i'm not quite sure what this post is about but i am quite sure i am excited for Mexico!!! Oh yeah, i won't be blogging 'till monday night (it's not like i blog much anyway!) because of MEXICO!!!!

have a great day!!! If your going to Mexico, see you bright and early Saturday!


Christine.Marie said...

see you there!

¿como estas?

i have to get my spanish on.

Christine.Marie said...

oh yea..and what was you question about Mexico?

Anonymous said...

haha i am answering it right now...

Anonymous said...

that was elise

Christine.Marie said...

gotcha...and i answered

Mel East said...

omg i am sooo proud of you congras! i will miss you though :(

Kylie said...

congratulations on yearbook!!!!!! I hope you have fun in Mexico!