Sunday, June 17, 2007

Does This Qualify Me as Weird?

Today, I noticed that I have developed a strange habit. Every single time I pick up my cell phone I subconsciously start singing "Hotel, Hotel" out loud. (does that make sense? I mean actually out loud but without really noticing it) But not the whole song. Only this lyric, over and over again.

"....Bring me my cell phone! Hotel, Hotel, your so fly......."

Does this qualify me as weird? Please be honest.


Mel East said...

your not weird well maybe i am not sure

annie said...

Not weird... but I'm not sure what we would call that. I got songs stuck realy easily in my head... so maybe we're both weird and just don't know it.


Anonymous said...

yes lol

de(von)licious said...

honestly, that is my favorite song ever

i love it


Anonymous said...

Guess what? He is making a new rap video, debuting in July! I can't wait.

. Kayla Rae

kelsey said...

your not werid. =) its a tad strange. lol we need to hang out over summer

Allison said...

this is weird, but also something that every struggles's difficult to not sing the same line over and over!