Sunday, June 10, 2007

Thanks for Nothing, Nano!

Well, my iPod is officially THE WORST iPod ever. It froze a few days ago and I ever tried every option on Apple's website. It's just dead or something. I even sat on the phone with Apple for and hour for no reason. I tried restoring it, they tried restoring it, and still, nothing worked!

So now, I have to take it in for servicing at the Apple store. All my music will probably be erased, so I am spending the rest of my day burning my music onto CD's. iTunes says the estimated time left is about 7 hours...

One good thing has come out of this however. It costs almost 100 dollars to get it fixed, and new nano's aren't much more, so my parents are considering letting me get a new iPod! If they say yes, I am getting a red nano!!!

So, I am somewhat excited. But only if my music isn't erased and if I possibly can get a red nano. (of course, I'll have to split the cost, but I am still sort of happy...)


Anonymous said...

ommmmg no joke my mini always freezes up like that too and it wont hold a charge :[ i might be getting a nano

E.Money said...

sorry about that!!! :(