Sunday, July 1, 2007

My Irrational Fear....

I am absolutely TERRIFIED of Mountain Lions. I have no clue why... I just am. I know it's rare to see one but I just freak out if there has been like one siting in the area in like 10 years...If you even joke about them around me, my heart while start racing and I will feel very very ill. There are three scenarios that absolutely appal me... yet somehow other people find them fascinating/exciting/amazing...

*I am not really sure how this post ties together, and I know it's long, but just bear with me, okay?*

Scenario 1: Today, at the Grand Canyon, there was a video about the Canyon. There was a whole chunk of the movie about Mountain Lions, what sounds they make, how they attack, etc.... I got very afraid. Anyways, in this movie a man is hiking... something I do on occasion.... and THREE mountain lions decide it will be fun to gang up on him... so they jump on him... and in this scene he has to wrestle the lions. (I would NOT want to be that actor.... even for billion dollars..) Then, he was stupid enough to chase them... That wouldn't exactly be my first instinct... The scene ended by saying they were PROUD of the number of these animals in the canyon and you would be very fortunate if you saw one... yeah right....

Scenario 2: We had a really odd park ranger, who instead of talking about the scenery, talked about herself and her life in Wisconsin. Apparently, she was a ranger in Wisconsin, and recently moved West. Here is her word for word story of why...

RANGER: "You wanna know why I moved out West?"
TOURISTS: "Um.... ok?"
RANGER: "Well, back in Wisconsin, I would always get calls from Rookie Rangers saying, 'There's a cougar in the area! What do I do???' And I says, with a sigh, 'Are you sure???' And it never was, and I really wanted to see a real live cougar, and that is why I moved out West."

Contradicting her mindset, I would do my best to avoid the cougars...

Scenario 3: There is a man in Florida who caught a Mountain Lion when it was a baby and has kept it ever since... But this is the creepy part: He shares his bed with it. How SCARY. Unless I was a professional tamer... Never would a wild animal enter my house....
I wish I had the bravery of this little kid in the visitors center today... There was a mountain lion that had died and been re stuffed. This little kid, about 7, goes "Awwww! What a cute kitty! I wanna see a real one!" Or maybe it wasn't bravery... but ignorance... or maybe he was naive...

What are irrationally scared of???


kelsey said...

WOW! that was a long post!!! =) I am watching grease and listening to John Trovolta (or how ever its spellt) and Olivia Newton-John sing about there ah-mazing summer. its my favortie movie. =D haha anyway i dont blame you for hating mountain lions. they freak me out to. haha. <3 you. we need to hang out sometime!!

Anonymous said...

i have the same fear as u!!!!! and like 4 yrs ago we went to Yellowstone and was in a motor home and saw one!! i almost cried i was soo scared. and i would wrestle the the lions for a billion dollars.

kayla rae said...

I can't say that I am afraid of mountain lions, but I am very afraid of missing the water when I jump into a pool.

Anonymous said...

ummm... okay kayla

Allison said...

I am afraid of being kidnapped and tortured...SO afraid!

ponch0 said...

Allison's fear is definitely mine too!

Christine.Marie said...

Being kidnapped..definately

But, even worse than that, spiders!

I always feel like spiders can kill me or something. I don't know why.

Anonymous said...

they can kill u with their venomous ways. i sound so smart

jessie estupinan said...

i'm scared of being in a house, that awful feeling when you feel like when you turn around, some creep with a knife will be right there..UGHH, so scarry.

elise! said...

haha read my post from a few months ago when i was home alone and got so creeped out that i ran up to the eastmans...

Anonymous said...

that's long, i am irrationaly scared dunno, i don't think i have any irrational fears...maybe of getting kidnapped or something...or killed...