Saturday, July 7, 2007

Now, I Know The Question That's On All Of Your Minds...

...What does Elise do when she is home alone and bored?

Well, she burns her hand really badly on chocolate, of course!!!

Don't even bother asking the story behind this tragic event...


Anonymous said...

HAHA. I am wondering what happened. Tell me pleaseeeeeee

kelsey said...

HAHA!!!!!!!!!! I wanna know the same thing as NIKKI!!!!! =)

Anonymous said...

My love for you is like a stream coming down a mountain. It may have twists and turns, but in the end its just as pure.

Your Secret Admirer

Anonymous said...

its kayla,i investigated last time when that happened to christine(the secret admirer thing) hehe. i should be on csi. i am sorry about the chocolate thing!?!

kelsey said...

Ohhh yeah i forgot to mention, sorry about burning your hand =)

Anonymous said...

ELISE!!!!!!!!!!! I AM TOTALLY MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you haven't put a heart next to my name! Gawd, I am totally P.O.'ed!!!

Christine.Marie said...

Last ime when they did that to me it was Hayley. But, I think that this is Kayla cause they put all of the puncuations correctly. Kayla is very good at that.

Alyssa I will join you on CSI.

Elise, I will pray for your hand.

elise! said...

why thank you. about the hand and the admirer thing... i was a bit creeped out at first...

jessie estupinan said...


elise! said...


kelsey said...

haha. have you found out the who the admrier is? =)

Anonymous said...

yes christine we will be working for csi when we grow up.

kayla rae said...

That anonymous thing wasn't me...promise!

Anonymous said...

elisey pie...Your secret admirer is the same as Kelsey' her blog if u wanna learn wat that KElSEY!!!!!!!!!

kelsey said...

what are you talking about nikki??