Friday, July 6, 2007

I Wish I Was in Third Grade So I Could Get Away With Saying This...

Elise: "I am so jealous of Caroline Dailey's Polly Pocket Mansion!"
Kayla: "Oh I know, I used to love Polly Pockets..."
Elise: "I never got to play with anything as cool as that when I was her age. I wish I had had more time to play with it..."
Kayla: "Yeah... It has an elevator and everything!"

That was a real conversation... I am actually quite embarrassed of it.... but it's so true, I really am jealous!


kelsey said...

Haha. How old is the girl that you are jealous of?

Anonymous said...

i did the same thing like a few days ago when i was at her house i was amused with it.

Christine.Marie said...

She is my sister, she is 8.

Elise, after you played with it at my house my sister came into my room and yelled this at me:

"Christine! Why did you put all of my polly pockets jammed in the elevator together!"

I laughed really hard and then she got mad and left my room.

elise! said...

lol. well, they were all going down the elevator at the same time because they were all going to the beach together. :)

kelsey said...

This is Nikki, ELISE! i am veryyyyy angry that my name does not have a heart next to it. =( pleaseeeeee fix this atrocity!!

Anonymous said...

First of all, how old is this girl you are jealous of?! and GAWD! I used to LOVE polly pockets, I swear, they were awesome! I think I might have some in my attic somewhere!