Thursday, May 31, 2007

I Officially Hate Trilogies... (did I spell that wrong)

I finished the the trilogy Uglies, Pretties, and Specials. I really like the book and each one ended with a cliffhanger ending, which I enjoy! Except not in this case... the third and final book ended with a cliffhanger!!! What the heck?? There is not going to be another book and now I never know what Tally meant when she wrote that letter in the last chapter and what will become of her, David, Shay, Maddy, Peris, and Fausto!!! ( i <3 their names!)

I am so frustrated!

I also heard Shrek and Pirates 3 were boring.

Therefore, I hate trilogies. The end!


kayla rae said...

The Lord is part of the Trilogy.

So, what are you saying?

elise! said...

umm... you mean trinity??? of course i love that TRINITY!

Christine.Marie said...

Johnny Depp signed a contract for another 3 pirates movie..dude, the movies need tyo get a lot better for me to watch them

jacksonnsays said...

christine is wrong they are still working on a cast for pirates 4 a Johnny Depp hasnt agreed to anything but pirates 3 was pretty good elise

Kylie said...

Pirates 3 was a little too complicated for me to understand (lol what a surprise!)... but the effects they used were amazing. I haven't seen shrek 3. Wow, this is a long comment. Ok, I will stop now.

kayla rae said...

That's what I meant. Trinity, Trilogy...same concept.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

not exactly... i think... w/e you know i don't hate the Lord... gosh! :)

Anonymous said...

that was elise

Christine.Marie said...

jeeze jackson you fight back hard. that is only what i have heard